Floridians Hotly Debate Changing the Name of ‘Lake Horney’

Oh, Florida. The state that always seems to make its way into the news for the strangest reasons. And here’s another: a Florida man’s desire to re-name a lake called “Lake Horney” is arousing controversy. It seems the man is tired of all the salacious jokes that inevitably come with a name that includes “horny” in its title.

Other residents have also admitted that the name is a bit blush-inducing. According to the Huffington Post, one resident told ABC Action News she would tell people she lived on “Lake Hor-nay.” Apparently, Lake Horney is named after the lake’s developer, not because a smart-ass was looking for cheap laughs. But as it turns out, most residents are opposed to changing the name, along with the Miami New Times who made this passionate defense of the randy name: “What does this say to all the people out there who have to go through life with unintentionally hilarious names? What of all the Mr. and Mrs. Coxes, Dixes, Cummings, Cockburns, and Gaylords?” Seriously, get a sense of humor!

Want to get into some salacious fun yourself? We are all about arousing emotions here!

Check out more about Floridians’ debate over re-naming Lake Horney: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/lake-horney-name-change-florida_us_5755d403e4b0b60682de9bcb

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