10 Confessions From People Who’ve Heard Some Strange Things After Sex

Image Source: Flickr | 93963757@N05 (Richard Foster)Let’s face it, we’ve all had a one-nighter that turned out a little, um, weird. While casual sex is great for no-strings-attached fun, the aftermath is not always so hot—especially if you find out that the person you just fucked is not quite what they seemed in that dark bar after you’d had a few drinks. Here are 10 confessions from people who’ve heard some very strange things after sex.

  1. She reintroduced herself using her real name…lol.”
    Oh, hello. Nice to meet you, stranger I just had sex with!
  2. Hey, can you give me a ride to my boyfriend’s house?”
    Um, I wish that you’d given me this information before deciding to ride me.
  3. He told me after we did it that his dead rabbit was under his bed! WTF?!”
    Things just got Fatal Attraction creepy!
  4. I always had a thing for your mother so now I know what it’s like to have sex with her.”
    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, or something?!
  5. Someone needs to do cardio.”
    Thanks for the inspiration?
  6. You have the hottest vagina I’ve been in, literally, the temperature is unreal.”
    This line’s like a badly written sex scene.
  7. I wish the condom would’ve broke so I could keep you in my life.”
    One word: RUN!
  8. He jumped up, did “touchdown” arms and yelled, “that was the best sex I’ve ever had!”
  9. ‘My God, that was so consensual!’ I think she meant ‘sensual,’ but it was a good laugh either way.” 
    Consensual sex is always sexy!
  10. ‘Now you are part of me forever.’ Which would be romantic, but…we had just met.”
    Again, things are getting a little too much like Fatal Attraction up in here…

Looking for a hot, no strings attached experience yourself? We can make you jump up and do “touchdown” arms right here!

Check out more confessions about strange things people have said after sex.

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