10 Ordinary Things That Make Fetishists Horny

coffeeEveryone has something in particular that really puts them in the mood. Whether or not you’re kinky, anything from sushi boats to rubber duckies could make you randy. Here are the unusual things that get fetishists and regular people going.

  1. Sushi boats
    “I think it’s because it’s like an aphrodisiac to me. I have dreams of being Samantha from Sex in the City in the scene where she’s covered in sushi.” Doesn’t seem that unusual to us!
  2. Diapers
    (of course, this is an NF no-no)
    “And also the thought of someone changing my diaper, like wiping down there with a baby wipe and patting on baby powder.” If the diaper fetish fits….
  3. Toothbrushes
    “It’s mainly because I use them to masturbate, so the sound puts me in the ‘right’ mindset.” Here’s to good dental hygiene and good orgasms!
  4. Latte art
    Must be something about the cream…
  5. Rubber ducks
    “I insert my ~you know what~ into her ~you know what~ and then she pulls out a rubber duck and starts squeezing it.” Kinky!
  6. Cop cars
    “One of my ultimate fantasies is getting f*cked on the hood of a cop car with the blue lights going!” Naughty, naughty—better break out those handcuffs!
  7. Life jackets
    “Lifejackets when they’re pulled really, really tight. Like wearing super tight clothes, or latex. If I can barely breathe, it’s perfect. Squash me happy.” Ooh, pull tighter!
  8. Ketchup
    “I need it to orgasm and I think about it all the time.” Whatever turns you on!
  9. Needles
    “Like tattoos or giving blood, just as long as it’s causing me pain it’ll send chills through my body. I get goosebumps all over. So arousing.” Pain can be so hot!
  10. Lightning
    “If a thunderstorm is in the forecast, I do my best to make arrangements for sex or quality ~me~ time. If I’m in class or at work during a storm it’s almost unbearable.” So sexy it’s electrifying!

Looking for something special to get your motor running? We are always down for the unusual here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more ordinary things that make people horny: https://www.buzzfeed.com/shannonrosenberg/i-guess-peanut-butter-makes-sense

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