10 Phrases You Can Use During Sex and at a Funeral

michelleIt’s crazy how certain phrases work in different situations. This is especially true of things you can say during sex AND during a funeral! Here are the funniest ones.

  1. I’m sorry, were you close?”
    Yuk yuk yuk!
  2. It was the second stroke that did it…”
    Tragically, that does happen occasionally.
  3. I know she touched everyone in this room.”
    And a moment of silence follows…
  4. Do you need a tissue?”
    How considerate.
  5. It’s so unbelievable hard…”
    Grieving or thirsty, hard to tell.
  6. Thanks for coming.”
    Of course!
  7. Lovely spread.”
    Thank you.
  8. I’m sorry.”
    We’ve all heard that one…
  9. I think she was suffering towards the end.”
    Yes, but it’s all over now.
  10. My sister would have loved this.”
    Well, bring her along next time!

Feeling a little thirsty yourself? We’re so glad that you came to NiteFlirt!

Check out more things you say during sex and during a funeral: https://www.buzzfeed.com/beckybarnicoat/xx-things-you-could-say-during-sex-or-at-a-funeral

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