11 Sexual Fortune Cookies 

Sometimes you get a little more than you bargained for with your fortune cookie—in terms of the sexual innuendos! Does the cookie mean what you think it means when it says “Things are looking up”? Here are 11 sexual fortune cookies that foretell a very promising future—in the bedroom!

  1. Special touches have been planned with you in mind.”
    Delicious Chinese food and a “special” little something something for dessert? Yes please!
  2. Before you receive, you must give.”
    Excellent advice!
  3. Bend the rod while it’s still hot.”
    That could get dangerous, fortune cookie!
  4. Don’t stop now!”
    The fortune cookie is close!
  5. Constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle.”
    Hm. It’s usually the opposite, in our experience…
  6. Your smile is a curve that can get a lot of things straight.”
    Aw, you’re so sweet—and naughty—fortune cookie!
  7. You are talented with your hands.”
    Thanks, we get that all the time!
  8. You will soon get unexpected kisses in unexpected places.”
    Oooh, promise?!
  9. Be prepared to receive something special with no strings attached.”
    Best fortune ever!
  10. Your tongue is your ambassador.”
    So we’ve been told…
  11. Others admire your flexibility.”
    Yes. Yes they do.


Looking for something sweet for dessert? We’ve got some tasty treats to make your future a happy one right here!

Check out more sexual fortune cookies here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lindsayfarber/sexual-fortune-cookies-that-deserve-a-fucking-medal?utm_term=.epNzQbeoNY#.wyjVgZyxNG

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