12 Things People Wish They Knew About Anal Sex

Image Source: Flickr.com | User: ipalatin

Image Source: Flickr.com | User: ipalatin

For many people who’ve experimented with anal sex, they wish they knew then what they know now. You know, like not to pull out those anal beads like you’re starting a lawnmower! Here are 12 things people wish they knew about anal sex before trying it for the first time.

  1. Don’t go from 0 to 100 
    “You need to work up to it. Do NOT go straight to the penis.” Foreplay is all, people!
  2. Slow and steady wins the race
    No need to rush! Ease it on in nice and slow.
  3. It might raise your sexpecations
    “I wish I had known that anal sex would increase my expectations for sexual pleasure. I had a partner who made it really enjoyable for both if us.”
  4. Don’t pull anything out too fast
    “Best advice related to toys: Don’t remove anal beads as if you’re starting a lawnmower.”
  5. You can never use too much lube
    Nuff said.
  6. Cleanliness is next to godliness
    Don’t forget those wipes!
  7. Just say no to the burrito
    Maybe stay away from burritos the day you’re having anal sex…
  8. Those tingly, warming lubes could burn your butt
    “I do NOT recommend tingly lube! That stuff feels like a fire demon.”
  9. Might be wise to switch out your white sheets beforehand
    Or use towels!
  10. Bottoms can still run the show
    “The receiver or bottom should know that they are always in control and most definitely have the ability to shut down like Fort Knox.”
  11. Don’t put whatever was in the ass back in the pussy
    You could get an infection!
  12. Pegging can be fun!
    “I wish I knew that giving (for me, pegging) is just as fun as receiving. People are too quick to judge something before trying it!”

Looking to have an enjoyable, fun experience? We can definitely raise all your sexpectations!

Check out more things people wish they knew about anal sex here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/carolinekee/never-eat-chipotle-the-day-before#.qvMbwedpjz

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