13 Thoughts Every Dude Has Had During Sex

 The internet’s favorite celebrity, George Takei, re-posted a list from Distractify called “13 Thoughts Every Guy Has Had During Sex,” and as you can imagine, it is pretty amazing. The list is in gif form and narrated from the point of view of a dude while getting his freak on. Here are some highlights from this hilarious and spot-on list (check it out in gif form below):best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sex9
  1. “Cramp! Cramp! OMG, my leg!”
    What dude cannot relate to getting a cramp in his leg right in the middle of getting some action? It’s the sidelines for you, champ.
  2. “Okay, I need to last but not for TOO long.”
    You know you have to wait for her to cum (ladies first!) but you don’t want to go on and on and on either. The million dollar question: how to strike the perfect balance that will make her want to fuck you again?
  3. “Is she faking it?”
    “Was that sound real or fake? Is she faking because she likes me and wants me to keep going or because it’s awful and she wants to get it over with?”
  4. “Oh no. She’s silent. Why is she silent?”
    The gif for this: Mark Wahlberg’s confused, panicked eyes darting around helplessly.
  5. “Omg I slightly changed positions and she straight up moaned. I’m basically the lord of sex now.”
    Elvis, smirking.
  6. “So. Hungry. Right. Now.”
    “Is it weird that I can’t stop thinking about the leftovers in my fridge?”
  7. “T-minus 2 minutes till I cum!”
    Time for TURBO-TIME!!!
  8. “Mmmmm, I came.”
    (30 seconds later). Nite nite.
It’s funny cause it’s true. Stay tuned for the next installment—from the lady’s point of view! Or you can find out what women really want right here with us. We can make you feel like the lord of sex!
Check out Distractify’s list here!
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