20 Things Better Than Getting Laid 

You’ve probably heard it said, “There’s nothing better than sex.” So in response to this claim, Buzzfeed made a video of all the things that are supposedly better than sex (check out the video below). We’ll let you decide: would you rather get nachos, or get laid?

  1. Listening to your favorite song
    Music is good for the soul—but so is sex!
  2. Laughter
    Sharing a good belly laugh with friends is great for boosting serotonin…just like sex.
  3. Puppies
    Yep, also good for stress. You know, like having sex.
  4. Weekends
    Waking up on a Saturday and realizing you don’t have to work is great. But you know what’s better? You guessed it: morning sex!
  5. Nachos
    Almost as good as getting laid?
  6. Fresh laundry
    Always lovely. But you know what’s lovelier…? Sex!
  7. Killing an entire bottle of wine
    Fun, but sex won’t give you a hangover.
  8. Finding cash
    Never a bad thing. Much like having sex!
  9. Naps
    These are good. But we’d rather stay awake, if you know what we mean (wink wink).
  10. Free food
    What about free love?
  11. Massage 
    Which type?
  12. Donuts
    Craveable and delicious. Just like sex!

Noticing a pattern here? There really is nothing better than sex!

Check out the Buzzfeed video “20 Things That Are Better Than Getting Laid” below:

And read more on BuzzFeed by clicking here! 

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