30 Day Masturbation Challenge

magicwandarthistoryInstead of a 30 day exercise or reading challenge this summer, try a masturbation challenge! There are lots of reasons to masturbate, but the best reason is it feels good. Use these tips to jump start your 30 day masturbation challenge, and start making pleasure a part of your daily life.

  1. Diagonal
    “Imagine your clitoris is a clock, with the 12 pointed up towards your head and the six towards your feet. Take one finger and stroke diagonally across your clitoris,” explains a sexpert.
  2. Up-And-Down
    Use two fingers to stroke your clit up and down, up and down. You can either hold your fingers together for more direct stimulation, or else keep them separate with your fingers on either side of your clit if it feels too sensitive for direct touch.
  3. Back-And-Forth
    Use two fingers to slide across your clit back and forth from left to right. This will feel amazing!
  4. Circular
    Trace circles around your clit for a more teasing sensation, and rub two fingers in a circular motion on your clit for something more intense. You’ll cum in no time!
  5. G-Spot
    While stroking your clit, take your index finger and middle fingers of your other hand and insert them in your pussy. Then twist your arm so that your palm faces up and make a ‘come here’ motion with your fingers. Surprise—there’s your G-spot!

Looking for some daily pleasure? We can always make you feel good here!

Check out more about the 30 day masturbation challenge: https://www.refinery29.com/2016/01/100343/30-day-masturbation-challenge#slide-8

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