3D Virtual Reality Porn With 700 Adult Performers Will Be Launched This Summer

A German company is promising to revolutionize porn with a brand new type of adult entertainment. They’ve created a VR experience where participants can play with over 700 avatars scanned from real-life porn stars. Participants wear VR goggles and remote controls which appear as hands on the screen letting users fully interact with the porn avatars.

700 adult actresses have already been scanned into the database, including German stars Texas Patti and Micaela Schaefer, but the company plans to scan even more into its system. The company says that 3D avatars of adult entertainers will mimic their facial features and movements to a high degree of accuracy by scanning the porn stars using special sensors fitted to a bodysuit. The exciting new technology should be out by summer.

Looking for something new and exciting? Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby!

Check out more about 3D VR porn: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5630321/3D-virtual-reality-porn-released-viewers-interact-digital-versions-700-porn-stars.html

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