4 Weird Things That Will Make You Horny

set1147014All types of strange things make people horny (ahem, there’s a fetish for pretty much everything). But you’d be surprised at some of the weird phenomenons that turn people on. Here are some of the craziest stuff that gets people all hot and heavy.

  1. Brain Trauma: Yes, there are accounts of people who’ve become total horn-dogs after suffering a brain trauma. We wrote about a lady recently who went from normal college student to kinky dominatrix after a severe car accident. It’s because brain trauma affects your frontal lobe, which can have the crazy side effect of hyper-sexuality!
  2. Grief:
    If you’ve ever grieved, you may already know this, and science backs it up. Grief and sexual arousal are side-by-side in your brain, so anything that triggers fear, panic, or grief can inadvertently trigger your libido.
  3. Rabies:
    Rabies: definitely not sexy. But with all that foaming at the mouth and flipping out comes an unlikely side effect: crazy horniess. Because rabies makes your brain get inflamed, it can also cause some seriously dangerous need for action. At least you get some before you die?
  4. Breastfeeding:
    Yes, it is creepy to think that breastfeeding can make you horny, but biology is all about playing unseemly jokes on us. Breastfeeding releases a bunch of hormones, including oxytocin, the chemical that’s released during orgasms, which unfortunately can make you feel a bit tingly down there.

Feel like having some weird, sexy experiences yourself? We love crazy stuff that gets you all hot and bothered!

And, while you’re at it, check out more weird things that will make you horny!

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