5 Fun Facts About Male Orgasms

ID-100216698The male orgasm is a weird and wonderful thing. While you probably know the basics about cumming (it feels amazing!), you may not have heard some lesser known facts—like just how fast cum can travel (hint: it’s super fast!). Check out these 5 fun facts about the male orgasm that are sure to amaze and make you smile:

  1. Orgasms Reduce the Risk of Cancer
    Science has found that men who ejaculate regularly—around 20 times per month—lower their risk of prostate cancer by 20%. As though you needed a reason!
  2. Cum Travels Really, Really Fast
    “Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive!” Well, not really. But still, cum travels really, really fast—around 28 mph!
  3. Orgasms From Sex Are Better Than Orgasms From Masturbation
    You may have noticed how much better cumming feels with another person, but there’s scientific evidence to back this up. It’s because during sex, 400% more prolactin is released when you cum, making you feel sleepy and sexually satisfied—until the next go around!
  4. Women Aren’t the Only Ones Who Fake Orgasms…
    According to a study, 28% of men have faked an orgasm at one time or another. Oh, Tricky Dicks!
  5. Men Are Capable of Multiple Orgasms
    While most men need about 30 minutes before they can go again, it is possible for men to have multiple orgasms. By managing testosterone levels and even switching up sex positions, men are able to train themselves to cum over and over again.

Feel like having a weird and wonderful experience yourself? At Niteflirt, we are all about putting science to the test!

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