5 Things Only Picky Porn Watchers Will Understand

Image Credit: Kimberly_Gedeon and Buzz Feed

If you’ve ever spent an embarrassing amount of time finding “The Perfect Video,” you are probably a picky porn watcher. Whether it’s the music, the sex noises or the setting, everything has to be just right before you commit to getting off. Here are 5 things picky porn watchers will probably relate to… (check out the comics below).

  1. You search for the “porn of all porns”

While you only get a few seconds of orgasmic fireworks, you still spend eons searching for that diamond in the rough, aka, “porn perfection.”

  1. You’ve gotten bored of all the porn you’ve bookmarked

Once you’ve found your Holy Grail of porn, you of course bookmark it. But lo and behold, after watching it more than twice, you’re back to searching for the next Holy Grail!

  1. If the thumbnail sucks, the video will suck, too

If you’ve developed this rule of thumb, you are a seasoned porn enthusiast. If a video looks bad upon first glance, the whole video is most often trash. Always trust the thumbnail!

  1. You’ve got very specific tastes

You know what you like—kinks and fetishes—and can’t watch a video unless it has what you want to see.

  1. You often skip over parts in the video because you don’t have time to waste

Well, they don’t call it the money shot for nothing!

Looking for something specific? We always have what you want here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about picky porn watchers: https://www.buzzfeed.com/thewritingmaven/7-comics-only-picky-porn-watchers-would-understand-2hzoh

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