7 Hilarious Posts About Masturbation from Tumblr

magicwandarthistory“Masturbation is probably the only DIY project you will start and actually finish.” It’s funny cause it’s true! Here are 7 posts about masturbation from the hilarious folks on Tumblr.

  1. Masturbation is just having sex with the person you love most.”
    Aw, cute. So does that mean you should buy yourself chocolates on Valentine’s Day? Sounds good to us!
  2. This post is here to remind everybody that ‘gratrunka’ is the Swedish word for ‘crying while masturbating.’ That’s a real tear jerker.”
    See what they did there?
  3. Is masturbating while smoking weed called masterblazing? No its called highjacking. Guys no it’s weedwhacking. No its called disappointing ur mother.”
    So true!
  4. Stressed out? Masturbate. Have a headache? Masturbate. Gotta leave? Stay in bed, masturbate. Have so much shit to do? Who cares! Masturbate.”
    This person has truly figured out the important things in life.
  5. Trinity Church: ‘Masturbation Is Satan’s Typewriter.'”
    I had no idea I was a novelist.
  6. *not horny but masturbates just in case I was*
    Smart plan!
  7. A vampire masturbating in front of a mirror. Bet you didn’t see that coming.”
    Good one!

Looking for a little levity yourself? Laughter and masturbation go hand and hand at NiteFlirt!

Check out more hilarious Tumblr posts about masturbation here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jennaguillaume/sex-with-the-person-you-love-most


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