7 Strange Things Humans Used To Think About Sex

Humans have had some very strange beliefs about sex throughout history. From using sparrow brains as a kind of Viagra to beliefs about fucking in the afterlife, there have been some pretty out there myths about sex. Here are the weirdest ones (check out more below).9876280146_6533018f8a_z

  1. Erections were caused by flatulence
    The Roman physician Galen thought that erections were caused by “wind” inflating the penis, so basically any foods that made you gassy were considered aphrodisiacs.
  2. Period sex could drain the “lifeblood” from men
    Guess there were no blood hounds back in the day…
  3. Nobility thought their purity would be marred by any kind of sexual activity in the air
    Apparently, people believed that sex could permeate the air and make it unclean. One supreme pontiff barred people from fucking while he was in town, just in case.
  4. If you had sex and then rode a horse, bad things would happen
    I will just leave the full Westermarck quote for you all: “If a person who is sexually unclean rides a horse, another holy animal, the horse will probably get sores on its back, and the rider will tumble down, or be late in arriving to his destination, or will not succeed in business, or will have boils, or even die.”
  5. Eating sparrow brains could improve your sex life
    The ancient Greek goddess of love and sex, Aphrodite, was said to hold sparrows sacred, so sparrow brain was used to increase performance.
  6. Foot binding was shorthand for good sex
    The ancient Chinese practice was so popular in part because it was believed to strengthen vaginal muscles. Tiny feet signaled a better sexual experience to many men!
  7. You could have sex in the afterlife
    Egyptians believed the afterlife was just a continuation of life on earth—so of course you got to bone! Tombs famously depict sexy ladies for this very purpose.

Looking for something a little out there yourself? You don’t need tiny feet and the afterlife for a great sexual experience at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about the strange sex myths believed throughout history: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alanamohamed/sparrow-i-barely-know-her

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