7 Things Everyone With a Pussy Should Know About Kegels

sexyyogaLadies, have you been doing your Kegels lately? You know the importance of pelvic floor exercises for keeping your lady parts nice and toned and ready for action, but do you know how to do them correctly? Here are 7 things you need to know about keeping your pussy healthy and strong with Kegels.

  1. Most people do Kegels wrong
    The majority of people squeeze the muscles around their va-jay-jays like the butt and thighs. “To find the right muscles, try to stop your pee midstream next time you go to the bathroom. The muscles you need to do that are the muscles needed to do a Kegel exercise,” says a physical therapist.
  2. Make sure you squeeze and lift your pelvic floor like an elevator
    “Imagine that elevator going up into your body, hold the elevator, and let it go back down.” And remember the “lifting” is what’s important here — many people just push down on their pelvic floor or squeeze, which isn’t effective.
  3. Ask your gynecologist to check out your technique
    Your gyno can easily tell you if you’re using the right muscles. They can also give you pointers, and let you know about the current tone of your pelvic floor.
  4. You can actually see your muscles working if you’re doing them correctly
    “If you want to check out your Kegels in action, you can lay on your back with a mirror between your legs. If you’re doing them correctly, you’ll see what’s called a ‘clitoral nod’ and an ‘anal wink’ — meaning that your clitoris will shift down and your anus will tighten into a smaller shape.”
  5. You can pretty much do them anywhere
    Sitting or lying down, standing up—however you feel comfortable. And since no one will know you’re doing them, you can literally do them anywhere.
  6. You can even do them during sex!
    “Sometimes it can help your Kegel technique to have something solid to squeeze, like a partner’s penis or a toy,” says the physical therapist. “And since the added ~grip~ can be pleasurable for your partner, that’s some A+ multitasking.”
  7. Kegels will improve your sexual pleasure
    Kegels help your lady parts to function better, and with more strength and blood flow to the area, it’s going to enhance sensations during sex.

Looking for ways to enhance your pleasure? We can help whip you into (sexual) shape right here!

Check out more things every lady should know about Kegels: https://www.buzzfeed.com/annaborges/youre-squeezing-right-now-arent-you#.yyMknE6aJ4

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