7 Wild Stories About Using Food During Sex

genitaliafruitBuzzFeed asked readers what their nuttiest experiences have been using food during sex. And as it turns out, food and sex sometimes do not go together like peas and carrots! Here are their best stories.

  1. “I melted a bar of chocolate, to make things more interesting, but I burned my boyfriend.” When good chocolate goes bad.
  2. “He started pouring champagne on me, but it slid down to my crotch, and that shit must have been about 8,217,273 degrees below zero. It had flash-frozen my ‘little girl.'” No sex in the champagne room…
  3. He handcuffed me to the bed, blindfolded me, and went to work with ice and whipped cream. But the ice slipped right inside me. I started screaming, and my guy desperately tried to set me free, but of course, he couldn’t find the fucking key for the cuffs! Finally, he decided to try to, uh, suck the ice out — and it worked!” Very resourceful!
  4. “We were staying in and eating sandwiches. I focused on watching the TV. Suddenly, he started eating me out, and while I was still chowing down on a sandwich — fully loaded with cheese, tomato, turkey breast. I felt like Scooby-Doo.” Satisfying and delicious!
  5. “I’ve never used food during sex, but this once, I was right on the brink of climax when he shoved a chocolate in my mouth.” Double your pleasure?
  6. “I’ve eaten strawberry yogurt while using a guy’s dick as a spoon.” That’s one way to do it!
  7. He decided to dip strawberries into sweetened condensed milk and feed them to me. The milk dripped all over my body, and he licked it off. Sounds sexy, right? But, by the end, I looked like the floor of a nightclub, sticky and gross.” Sometimes sticky is not sexy.

Got a hankering for something delicious? Come taste NiteFlirt’s mouth-watering buffet!

Check out more wild sex stories involving food: https://www.buzzfeed.com/victornascimento/15-stories-from-people-who-came-up-with-the-idea-o

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