8 Facts Every Dude Should Know About His Dick

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_strawberrySure, you know your dick intimately, but do you know why hot tubs are bad for your balls? Or that not getting enough sleep can make you lose your boner? As Buzzfeed says, these facts are sort of like “the owner’s manual you never knew you needed.” Here are 8 facts every dude needs to know about his cock.

  1. The penis is a good indicator of your overall health
    One doctor says, “It’s like the dipstick of the body’s health.” That’s why if there’s something wrong with the genitals, you should go see your doctor to make sure it’s not a symptom of something else. And similarly, if there’s something wrong with your health, your dick could be affected too.
  2. Premature ejaculation is a lot more common than you think
    Premature ejaculation is when you cum about one to two minutes after penetration and then feel distressed and anxious about it. Statistics show that it affects about 10%-30% of men at some point in their lives. But those who suffer from it every time should talk to their doctor—it can be overcome.
  3. Your testicle size is important
    Your testicles should be about the same size and each be about the size of a walnut. If they’re too big or too small, there could be a problem with your sperm, in which case go see your doctor.
  4. Hot tubs are really bad for your balls
    “It’s like dunking your testicles like teabags in hot water,” says a doctor. That’s because getting your balls too hot halts your sperm.
  5. Cumming a lot is very good for you
    Ejaculating often is good for you because it lowers your risk of prostate cancer. Not to mention all the health benefits, like lower stress and increased happiness.
  6. Sleep deprivation can mess with your boner
    Not getting enough sleep can make you lose your morning wood and decrease your sex drive.
  7. Wash your dick after sex
    Since bacteria can grow faster when cum dries out on the skin, washing after sex will help you avoid infection.
  8. Don’t get your dick pierced
    In case you were considering it, consider this: possible complications include “significant bleeding, chronic irritation, or even damage to the urethra—which could leave you peeing out of the new hole.”

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Here are more facts every dude should know about his dick.

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1 Response to 8 Facts Every Dude Should Know About His Dick

  1. Chris says:

    Both my children were conceived after sitting in a hot tub. So what does that say?

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