8 Sex Stories That Will Put Your Awkward Sexual Encounters To Shame

imagesSex with someone new should be really hot, right? Well, according to people on Whisper, sometimes it’s just really awkward. Here are 8 anonymous confessions that will probably put your most awkward sexual encounters to shame. You’re welcome.

  1. Once during sex I was thinking about what I need to get at the grocery store and accidentally screamed out ‘carrots!’” I’ll have what she’s having?
  2. One time my wig fell off during sex and the guy was scared that he pulled my hair out.” Wardrobe malfunction!
  3. I stopped in the middle of having sex so I could tuck my dog in for the night.” You bad, bad boy!
  4. Mid-sex, he totally killed the mood when he put a hand on each thigh and said…’Open Sesame!’ and yes, he was serious!” Did you respond with, ‘CLOSED’?
  5. In the middle of having sex with someone, he asked if I wanted to check my texts…” Did he send a sext?
  6. Once I was playing music during sex and my favorite song came on and I started singing out loud and got up to dance.” Naked dancing—that could get dangerous!
  7. I had sex on the first date. He lasted 2 minutes, yelled ‘I won!’ as he finished and then fell asleep.” Score!
  8. I hit my Fitbit goal during sex and was so excited I said something and ruined the moment.” Excited for all the wrong reasons…

Looking for a hot sexual encounter? We can tuck you in for the night right here!

Check out more awkward sex stories: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/these-sex-stories-are-awkward-omg_us_582df26fe4b099512f816a1f

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