8 Sex Tips Everyone Should Know About

threesome-sex-positions_1447521164When it comes to giving head and fucking well, BuzzFeed Brazil readers have some helpful suggestions. Whether you’re into pussy or dick—or both!—here are 8 sex tips everyone should know about. Then the next time you’re eating pussy, giving a blowjob, or fucking, put these tips into action (see full list below)!

  1. Remember: the clit is sensitiveGo slow and be gentle at first. “Oral sex has to be like a well-placed kiss: moist, unhurried, and organized,” says a reader.
  2. If she’s not saying much, everything is probably good“When a woman is really quiet, sometimes even silent or only lightly moaning, it’s almost always a good sign! Women like this to be a truly intimate moment, with no pressure and especially no rush!” Silence is golden!
  3. “Like that” means “exactly like that,” not “faster”“Rhythm is everything! You’re better off trying to keep the same rhythm than thinking that you need to samba all over the place with your tongue! Did you hear that little gasp?” KEEP IT UP!
  4. When giving a blowjob, don’t forget the happy place“Sucking the balls is essential, but then use your tongue to trace that little line between the scrotum and anus (aka the perineum). That’s when he’ll really lose his mind.” Good tip!
  5. Know about the male G-spotThe male G-spot, aka the prostate, is about one finger-length from the entrance of the anus. Use light pressure and massage with your finger as if you were pointing up towards the penis. “If you do this while sucking him too, watch out for surprise ejaculation, because he won’t be able to control himself.”
  6. For sex, one good lay is better than a lot of average onesQuality over quantity!
  7. Know your own body “If you don’t know your own body, there’s no way you can expect someone else to get familiar with it, so figure yourself out!” What the world needs now is self-love, sweet self-love!
  8. Sex isn’t just penetrationA lot of women say the best part is actually the foreplay, so remember not to skimp on all the hot action before the main event.

Looking for some hot action? Come practice what you’ve learned right on NiteFlirt!

Check out more sex tips everyone should know: https://www.buzzfeed.com/deliacai/kiss-that-vulva

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