8 Things Women Do In Movies During Sex That Are Totally Unrealistic

Annas Your Escape03Have you ever watched a sex scene in a movie and thought it was totally unrealistic? That’s because it probably was! From wearing bras to skipping foreplay entirely, here are 8 things women do in movies during sex that just doesn’t happen in real life.

  1. Require zero foreplay to get things going and have an instant orgasm.It takes a litttttle more effort than that, Hollywood. Just sayin’.
  2. And then have instantaneous penetrative sex without lube.Come on, movies—lube is your friend!
  3. Moan for the ENTIRE time — from the second their partner touches them.Unless you are getting fucked by a superhero/sex-god, you probably won’t cum just by having your knee touched.
  4. Wear a bra before, during, AND after sex.We have just three words in response to this: Free. The. Nipple.
  5. Have an orgasm “by accident” in a restaurant/park/somewhere in public.If only life were like the movies…
  6. Orgasm in slow motion, looking more like they’re in a shampoo commercial.The better the orgasm, the less cute you look.
  7. They never make one embarrassing sound. No queefing or hilarious slapping noises. NOTHING. Really?
  8. Have perfect shower sex where no one awkwardly slips.Slippery while wet, people…

Looking for an unforgettable sexual experience? We always keep it real on NiteFlirt!

Check out more things women do in movies during sex that do not happen IRL: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alliehayes/women-sex-in-movies-cliches

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