9 Hilarious Posts About tumblr’s Porn Ban

wtf-1780728_640The internet has a lot to say about tumblr’s recent decision to ban porn on its site. To memorialize the good-ol’ days of T&A on tumblr, these users have made some pretty hilarious posts. As BuzzFeed says, “at least we still have memes.”

  1. “tumblr users: please ban the Nazis.
    tumblr: if you post a tiddy you’ll be deleted on sight.”
    See the irony here, tumblr…?
  2. “tumblr’s next update: an online ‘swear jar.’ We’ll actually have to pay every time we say the words fuck and sh*t.”
    tumblr = nagging parent.
  3. Users: fix the porn bot problem
    Tumblr staff: Ok! No more NSFW”
    Wait! No!
  4. Literally illegal to be horny on main.”
    Pretty much.
  5. Does tumblr have a nazi problem?
    No, it’s the female-aligned nipples.”
  6. It’s time to go back to Myspace. Who wants to be in my Top 8?”
    NiteFlirt does!
  7. I log off for a day and y’all ban titties?”
  8. No dick, no titties, no pussy…tumblr starts looking like my real life.”
    A sad fate…
  9. I can’t believe the last meme of 2018 is tumblr’s death.”
    Yup, pretty much sums it up.

Want to celebrate the freedom to consume porn? You can have at it here!

Check out more funny posts about Tumblr’s porn ban: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jennaguillaume/tumblr-porn-ban-memes

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