Sexxpot, the Aphrodisiac Weed

5002299100_590525a1be_zA new company is producing an aphrodisiac weed that is supposed to help enhance sex called, appropriately, Sexxpot. The company’s founder said she smoked the strand of herb before getting it on and liked it so much that she asked her partner to label the weed so she’d know to smoke it again next time—and he labeled it “sex pot.” Sexxpot is derived from a low THC strain of bud that is specifically very helpful for women who want to relax and have extra sensations during sex.

Sexxpot works great for women because its lower than average THC levels help to put them in a sensual headspace without getting them too high to actually fuck (men usually need higher doses for the same effects). Although aphrodisiac weed is nothing new—people have long regarded pot as “nature’s viagra”—Sexxpot’s focus on women and their libidos is pretty novel since the weed game tends to be generally geared towards men. In fact, men are usually the ones to seek out weed to enhance sex and arousal, while women often still view it as taboo. While more science is needed to determine exactly why Sexxpot’s strain is so effective at helping women to have better, more intense sex, so far testimonies from multiple women show it just might be a game-changer for improving women’s sex lives.

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Check out more about Sexxpot here.

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