7 Confessions From People Who Got Caught Watching Porn

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_strawberryHave you ever been interrupted during an especially, um, private moment? If you have, you know how embarrassing it can be. And you’ll definitely relate to these confessions from people on Whisper about the time they got caught watching porn.

  1. One time my dad walked in on me watching porn at 2:00 a.m. in our living room. And now I realize he was probably about to do the same.”
    Good father-son bonding moment?
  2. My roommate caught me watching porn. But he pulled up a chair and watched it with me.”
    Best. Friends. For. Ever.
  3. I was watching porn yesterday and I had almost reached climax and then my grandma walked in.”
    What, she didn’t pull up a chair?
  4. My wife caught me looking at porn and told me I had to choose between a divorce and watching her have sex with another man.”
    Well, the first option is extreme—but the second one might be fun!
  5. I was watching porn and my mom walked in. Now she keeps asking me if I need any lube.”
    Mother Of The Year!
  6. My wife walked in on me watching gay porn. She stood there for a minute, pulled down her jeans, and watched it with me.”
    Marriage is bliss!
  7. My cat caught me watching porn. I feel unnecessarily guilt.”
    What a naughty, naughty pussy!

Looking to have a private moment yourself on NiteFlirt? Pull up a chair and bring the lube!

Check out more confessions from people who’ve been caught watching porn here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bencoleman2/14-people-who-were-caught-watching-porn

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