The Comic-Con Porn Everyone Was Searching For

2633914653_75ef55617e_zIt shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that when thousands of people flood into the Comic-
Con conference every year, Pornhub experiences a surge of traffic from people looking for superhero-related porn. New statistics from the site found that searches including the phrase “Comic-Con” increased by 2767% this year during the event. “Not only that, but searches correlating to the event — such as “Wonder Woman,” “anime big tits,” and “cosplay lesbian” — also experienced major boosts,” reports Refinery29.

Other interesting stats: “Anime big tits” increased by 382%, “cosplay uncensored” by 345%, “cosplay lesbian” by 233%, and “Wonder Woman” by 203%. The site reported an increase not only in the city where Comic-Con took place, but generally across the entire country during the event weekend, which amounted to around 5,000 searches per day. Pornhub explained that even though searches for cosplay and superhero are always popular, the event led to more than 2,000 added searches per day during Comic-Con itself.

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Check out more about the Comic-Con porn search surge:

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