Gay Reddit Wants To Know How Straight People Have Sex

bieberOne cheeky Redditor turned the tables on nosy (and unimaginative) straight people with this sarcastic question: “How does straight sex work? I mean, who’s the guy and who’s the other guy?” The Redditor who goes by “pepporoni pizzazz” posted the question to the Ask Gay Bros thread, and not surprisingly, gay men had a grand time answering it. The tongue-in-cheek question drew even more tongue-in-cheek (and hilarious) responses.

“My straight friends tell me that they almost never have oral or anal sex. Some of them also dislike mutual masturbation. So I assume they are just masturbating from their side of the bed with some kisses maybe,” one person wrote. Another wrote, “They get in bed, pull covers over themselves, then start a dance ritual to get the woman pregnant. Such ferocious creatures.” Attention: straight people—just ask Google if you’re really curious.

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Check out more about a gay Redditor asking how straight sex works:

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