7 Sex Posts That Are So Inappropriate You’ll Spit-Laugh

Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 3.23.26 PMYou ever see a post so funny that you actually spit your drink out? Well, we’ve got some good ones for you. Just make sure your laptop is appropriately protected!

  1. Bad things to say when you nut: whoopsie-doo, here comes the goo.” Or: a shot of goo from me to you!
  2. ‘Do you moan or cuss?’‘Depends how good the food is but usually both.’” Food porn!
  3. Why is Santa’s sack so big? Because he only comes once a year.” Ooh, Santa baby!
  4. I got birth control so I can stop being my boyfriend’s Toaster Strudel and start being his Twinkie.” Both are delicious!
  5. It’s kinda funny how when you get older you start to enjoy the things you hated as a kid like taking naps and getting spanked.” The second one was kind of unexpected, but no one is disagreeing.
  6. ‘Is having a penis fun?’‘It has its ups and downs.’”Sometimes it’s a little hard.’‘It’s a pain in the ass.’” Come on, guys!
  7. “Blowing a dandelion is basically you helping a weed ejaculate.” Is that why it’s so joyful?

Looking for something risque? We can make you spit your drink out right on NiteFlirt!

Check out more inappropriate sex jokes: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/17-posts-that-are-both-hilarious-and-totall

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