Most Women Who Watch Gay Male Porn Imagine Themselves As Men

mtqynjuwodk4ndmzmtg5mtkxAccording to a new study, more than half of women who watch gay male porn “imagine themselves” as men during their sexual fantasies. Researchers looked at data over a 5-year period from 500 women who watch male on male erotica and found that 55 percent of women surveyed fantasized about being the opposite sex in the porno. Researchers believe it’s hotter for women to identify with gay male porn stars rather than with female porn stars because they’re so often depicted as sexual objects that are there for men’s pleasure.

The study also revealed that 37 percent of all gay porn streamed on PornHub is actually watched by women. And gay male porn was the second most popular choice for female users of PornHub for the past two years. “While some meet the existence of women enjoying m/m sexually explicit media with surprise, there is growing acceptance that it is perhaps not quite as uncommon as first thought,” said the study’s head researcher.

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Check out more about how women who watch gay male porn imagine themselves as men:

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