Butt Plugs Were Originally Sold As Miracle Cure For Headaches

Some interesting XXX history: in 1940, butt plugs were marketed as a headache remedy. “First warm dilator in warm water; then lubricate outside of dilator with Dr Young’s Piloment (or if it is not available, with vaseline) and while in a squatting position—or while lying on the side with knees drawn up—gently insert in the rectum as far as the flange or rim,” the instructions read. Dr. Young advised users to gradually work their way up the largest size—the “Extra Length” dilator number five, which was more than an inch and a half (3.8 centimeters) thick—and keep it in for at least 10 minutes, or up to an hour for best results.

The product also claimed the butt plugs could give a more refreshing sleep, relieve foul breath and bad tastes in the mouth, sallow skin, acne, anemia, lassitude, mental hebetude, insomnia, anorexia, headaches, indigestion, nervousness, irritability, and cold extremities. In a court case with an extremely pleasing name—U.S. v. 67 Sets of Dr. Young’s Rectal Dilators and 83 Packages of Dr. Young’s Piloment—the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ruled that not only were the claims not backed up by evidence, but that the device “would be dangerous to health when used with the frequency and duration prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling.” The products were ordered to be destroyed before they even found out that Dr Young had also claimed in a medical journal that the rubber sex toys would be effective in curing insanity.

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Check out more about butt plugs originally being sold as a miracle cure for various ailments: https://www.iflscience.com/butt-plugs-were-originally-sold-as-a-miracle-cure-for-headaches-acne-and-insanity-58743

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