Virginia Dem Susanna Gibson Down In New Poll After Sex Video Scandal

A Democratic candidate for the Virginia legislature who was caught performing sex acts with her husband for “tips” during online webcam shows is down more than 10 percentage points among voters in her district. Owen, a Republican businessman, held a 4% lead among those voters even before the Washington Post broke the news of Gibson’s online sex shows. Gibson streamed more than a dozen live sex shows with her husband to 5,770 followers—using an account that she maintained even after declaring her candidacy.

She last updated a picture to her profile—with the username HotWifeExperience—on Sept. 5, 2022, but it has since been taken down. By day a nurse practitioner, Gibson moonlighted as an adult performer who pressed her online audience for more “tokens” in exchange for certain sex acts in “private” showings, saying she was “raising money for a good cause.” Following reports of her sex-cursions, the Democratic candidate decried her political opponents for engaging in “the worst gutter politics” and calling the proliferation of the videos “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me.”

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