Doctor Claims Oral Sex Is Worse Than Smoking For Throat Cancer

In a viral video, a young doctor says oral sex is a greater risk factor than smoking in the development of throat cancer—despite the American Cancer Society citing tobacco use as the No.1 risk. “Are you saying oral sex is proven to be the number one cause of throat cancer?” one TikTok user asked the doctor, who responded with: “I said what I said.” The American Cancer Society does cite oral sex as one potential cause of throat cancer, given that the human papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV, can be transmitted during the act.

“Men are more likely to develop throat cancer performing oral sex on women, as women are more likely to carry the [HPV] virus in their genital area,” the doctor explained. However, rates also rose 1.3% among women, with the doctor advising men to wear condoms if they are receiving oral sex. Currently, the HPV vaccine is aimed at preventing reproductive cancers, although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it does offer protection against the strains of the virus that also cause oropharyngeal cancer.

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