Sex Supplements Claim To Boost Orgasm By ‘Increasing Ejaculation Volume’

New sex supplements for men claim to boost sexual performance using one unique mechanism: increasing the amount of semen a man releases. Called semen “volumizers” or “enhancers,” these pills contain a mixture of compounds that are said to raise the volume of the ejaculate by increasing penile blood flow and the liquid produced by the prostate. More blood flow to the penis makes for longer-lasting erections, and a greater volume of fluid is said to both stimulate a partner and intensify a man’s orgasms.

The product claims to be the “first physician-developed supplement specifically designed to improve all aspects of ejaculatory health,” including “intensifying” orgasm. However, experts say there are a host of physical factors that influence how much liquid is expelled during ejaculation, which are far more powerful than a supplement. As for the supposedly “semen-boosting” ingredients in the supplements, experts say “there’s low-quality evidence” that they serve any benefit: “Supplements are also not subject to the scrutiny of the FDA, so they can, in theory, make whatever health claims they like without the proof to back them up.”

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