House Investigates Another Sex Tape Scandal

Just 18 months before a scandal involving gay sex filmed in a Senate hearing room shook Washington, a Congressman triggered a similar investigation over sex acts filmed in a Capitol office. Recently, a Democratic congressional aide was fired over the emergence of an amateur sex tape, which was reportedly filmed in Hart Senate Office Building. Rep. Dan Newhouse confirmed reports that a similar investigation into sex acts in a Congressional office took place in June 2022. 

One of the 2022 videos circulating online allegedly showed a man pleasuring himself in a House office building, identifiable by standard Capitol House furniture and carpeting, as well as a branded mousepad. A second video shows two men engaged in sexual activity in another office setting. Newhouse’s employee said the investigation ended within a month, with Newhouse allegedly telling him there was “no evidence to the allegation.”

Feeling naughty? Let’s get X-rated!

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