Utah Sex Worker Reveals Kinkiest Requests She’s Gotten From Clients

A former sex worker-turned-influencer has started a series about her exploits in Utah’s Salt Lake City. Most of her clients were men in positions of authority in the Mormon Church. She revealed some of these “repressed” men’s kinks—including “hitting it from the back while they read the Book of Mormon.”

She says roughly half come from the church of the Latter Day Saints, which preaches that proponents should wear “temple garments” during sex. “I’m talkin bishops, I’m talking men that are married with six kids at home, I’m talking people who had positions of authority in the church, the local government here,” she tells her more than 3,000 followers, adding “It’s… Salt Lake City is a kinky place, OK?” She enjoyed her sexploits in the “repressed city,” saying “It was a blessing, as they say in the church.”

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1 Response to Utah Sex Worker Reveals Kinkiest Requests She’s Gotten From Clients

  1. torchemada says:

    The strangest sexual perversions come from the good bourgeoisie

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