Study Reveals New Insights Into Women’s Masturbation

A new study explores the reasons women masturbate. The steamy research surveyed 370 Swiss women aged 18 to 56 over the course of a month, looking at how often they masturbated and the motivations behind the self-love sessions. On average, each woman pleasured themselves nine times across the 30-day period—or, about twice per week.

Researchers found that those who reported high levels of stress were more likely to masturbate more frequently: “According to the women in our study, masturbation serves as a strategy to induce positive emotions and promote relaxation when experiencing stress.” They add, “These findings are consistent with previous research that has highlighted the role of masturbation as a coping strategy for psychological stress and as a means of relaxation.” According to the study, 64 percent of the surveyed women said they masturbated for stress release: “For me, it is a valve to relieve stress,” one woman wrote, adding, “I notice that I masturbate more often during exam periods, for example.”

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