A Complete Dictionary Of The Most Bizarre Sex Slang

cosmic_banditaHave you ever been asked to “swing the dolphin?” If so, you’ve been introduced to the delightful and strange world of sex slang! There’s even a dictionary which has over 130,000 collected words and phrases that people have used over the centuries to mean dick, pussy, ass, and sex. Here are some of the weirdest ones (check out more below).

  1. A bit of summer cabbage (circa 1895)
    “Summer cabbage” means to have sex. “Cabbage” itself is used in slang to mean pussy, as has the “cauliflower,” the “mushroom,” and the “artichoke.”
  2. Dry mouthed widow (c. 1942)
    The dry mouthed widow is the dry hand that substitutes for the wet pussy. There’s a lot of terms of this sort, like “Rosie Palm and her Five Daughters” and “Mrs Palm and her Five Daughters.”
  3. Engage in three to one and bound to lose (c. 1793)
    The “three” represents the dick and the two testicles, the “one” is the pussy, and the “loss” is of semen when you cum.
  4. Flock of geese flying out of one’s backside (c. 1959)
    This is a fine Australian phrase that is an attempt to represent orgasm. Strange!
  5. Like a herd of turtles (c. 1940s)
    This is an Australian term for a sex positive woman! It’s used for a woman who has sex enthusiastically. This is from the late 1940s: “You ought to take her out to the toolies [tool shed], she’ll go like a herd of turtles!”
  6. Watergate (c. 1560)
    This is a term for a wet pussy. As Broadly explains, “Watergates were something you had in irrigation systems, and the gate is a word for vagina. It’s 1560, which is pretty much almost as far back as slang has been collected.”

In the mood for something cheeky? Come join NiteFlirt’s naughty herd!

Check out more sex slang here: https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/complete-dictionary-bizarre-sex-slang

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