A Handy Brief Guide For Having Casual Sex In India

IMG_7259A smart, sex-positive 24-year-old on Twitter started a thread to help Indian people learn the rules for having casual sex. She learned that many people in India–especially women–have no idea about many important rules for safe, casual sex. Her goal is to educate those who want to have some no strings attached fun, because as she says, “the rules for fucking people casually are very different from dating.” Here’s her handy guide for having casual sex in India, but is useful for anyone who wants to keep it casual (check out the complete thread below).

  1. Always use condoms
    Her message is simple: “It doesn’t matter if you know the person or not. If you’re fucking them make sure the guy is wearing a condom.”
  2. Use condoms for oral sex, too
    STD’s can be spread by giving head, so always make sure to stay protected when having oral sex as well as PIV sex.
  3. Have safe words when getting kinky
    If you’re looking to get into some kinkier stuff like BDSM, both parties should make sure they articulate what they want so everyone’s on the same page.
  4. If you’re heading for the backdoor, make sure you get cleaned up before having vaginal sex
    Gotta protect the pussy from infection, people!
  5. Talk it out!
    You want to make sure you’re comfortable, communicating, and that everything is fully consensual. This is the best way to have great, casual sex!

Want to have some no strings attached fun? We are all about great, casual sex here!

Check out more about the rules for having casual sex in India (and the rest of the world) on Buzzfeed! 

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