Abrosexual Is Latest Term Under LGBTQ Umbrella

The number of terms and identities under the LGBTQ+ umbrella is ever-growing, including one of the many terms used: abrosexual. According to Dictonary.com, the definition for the term abrosexual reads: ”Someone who is abrosexual has a fluid sexual orientation. They experience different sexual orientations over time.” Sexperts explain: ”For some people, their sexuality identity might fall under a label called abrosexual—which describes a sexuality that quite literally shifts and changes!”

”Some abrosexual people might identify with different sexuality labels at different times—for example, some days they might use the label pansexual, whereas other days they might use the label lesbian,” they add. The abrosexual flag was reportedly created by Mod Chad of pride flags-for-us after an anonymous Tumblr user requested it. ”It’s important to remember that our sexualities and labels are not necessarily static and unchangeable—they can naturally shift over time, or change in response to our environment.”

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