The show “American Gods,” based on Neil Gaiman’s 2001 novel, will feature what’s being described as “the hottest and most pornographic gay sex scene” ever seen on mainstream television. It will feature two Muslim dudes, one who plays a spiritual messenger, which will make the scene “supernaturally hot.” The main actor, who committed to going fully nude, said he was all about the scene: “I was like, ‘Awesome!’” he quipped. “I got penis approval.”
The scene is meant to blur the line between sexual and spiritual ecstasy, to explore “what it’s like to take a god inside you.” So far, television critics are drooling over the sex scene—one confessed “it made my palms sweat.” Neil Gaiman said in a Vice interview that he “never imagined” the explicit scene would make it onto television, claiming it’s “the best gay porn I’ve ever watched. You feel like boundaries are being pushed, and that makes me very proud.” It seems this hot gay sex scene is getting everyone very excited!
Looking for something explicit yourself? We’re always supernaturally hot here!
Check out more about ‘American Gods’ pornographic gay sex scene: