Andrew Yang Upset Porn Fans With His Criticism Of Bing

5942090561_8656911f4b_zAndrew Yang did not win over porn enthusiasts after criticizing Microsoft’s Bing search engine during the fourth Democratic debate, saying “there’s a reason why no one is using Bing today.” The internet immediately jumped to Bing’s defense, reminding the presidential hopeful of the search engine’s true purpose: porn. Countless Twitter users pointed out its unrivaled porn-finding capabilities: “Andrew Yang just tattled on himself for not watching porn by slandering Bing.”

Even Yang’s own supporters turned against him on the issue: “I finally found something to disagree with Andrew Yang. I use Bing more than Google. It’s much better for porn search,” a Twitter user said. According to another Twitter user Bing is great for adult content because its safe search function “makes zero attempt to filter out porn,” thus allowing users unfettered access to specific porn-related imagery. As one Twitter user said, “Um… @AndrewYang , if you aren’t using Bing, you’re searching for porn far less efficiently than the rest of us.”

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Check out more about Andrew Yang upsetting porn fans with his criticism of Bing:

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