Apple Changed the Peach Emoji To Look Less Like an Ass 

peachThe changes Apple made to the ass-shaped peach emoji is making a lot of people feel panicked. Now that they’ve redrawn the beloved peach to look less like an ass, Apple users are scrambling to find new ways to caption their butt selfies. Thankfully, the eggplant emoji remains unchanged.

While Apple’s latest iOs 10.2 software update for iPhones includes some great emoji additions like a face palm, David Bowie, and new and improved foods, their attempt to de-sexualize the peach has angered many sexters. Twitter users in particular are furious that the peach now simply looks like a fruit instead of a big, juicy ass: “I’m still using the new peach emoji as a butt. You can’t hold me down, @apple,” one hero tweeted. But a different Twitter user’s lament pretty much sums up what the rest of us are feeling: “omg no. they are killing the butt shaped peach emoji. how are we going to text about booties?” Butt-shaped peach, how will we ever sext without you?

Looking for something ripe and juicy yourself? We’ve got all the peach you’ve been hankering for right here!

Check out more about Apple’s redesigned peach emoji that looks less like an ass:

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