BDSM Is Just Like Golf, Study Says

feet-1095408_1280What does golf and BDSM have in common? A lot more than you might realize, actually. According to a new study, BDSM should be treated just like any other “leisure activity.” In fact, the study was so convincing that BDSM has been reclassified along leisure activities in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Experts say that since BDSM helps participants develop personal skills, create a sense of adventure and reduce stress, it’s not different than sports like golf, hiking and skiing. If it weren’t similar to such leisure activities, they argue, it wouldn’t include words like “play” and “games.” The study, led by Idaho State University, states: “A few recent studies have suggested that BDSM participation might provide important psychological and social benefits, such as feelings of pleasure or enjoyment, fun, an escape from the demands of everyday life, personal growth, improved relationships and self-expression.” BDSM—ahem, golf—anyone?

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Check out more about the study that shows BDSM is no different than golf:

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