Binging Porn Affects Men And Women Differently In Bed, Study Says

It seems men suffer—and women excel—by regularly indulging in adult entertainment. A new study has found frequent porn viewing can have disastrous effects on men’s sex lives, leaving them with low self-esteem, erectile dysfunction and an inability to satisfy their lovers. The research found that the more kinky videos a man watched over time, the more likely he was to report poor levels of sexual function.

Frequent male porn viewers had more problems maintaining erections and reaching ejaculation, and they reported lower levels of desire when it came time to have actual sex. Meanwhile, the study also surveyed thousands of women, and found the complete opposite: the more frequently a woman watched porn, the more likely she was to experience an increase in sexual self-competence, functioning and satisfaction. Researchers were unable to conclusively explain the reasons for this unexpected find but theorized it was due to the fact that women generally prefer softcore porn: “Men watch more hardcore/paraphilic porn and less softcore/mainstream porn than women . . . which may be associated with different sexual comparison processes and sexual outcomes.”

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Check out more about how frequent porn viewing affects men and women differently:

Here’s the study:

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