Bizarre Sex Myths People Used to Believe 

Throughout history, there have been some crazy things people believed about sex. From doctors getting their “hysterical” female patients off to weird superstitions about pregnancy, these sex myths are truly bizarre. Here are 8 weird sex myths people actually thought were real.

  1. Sneezing after sex prevents pregnancy
    This was perpetuated by the Greek physician Soronus, who recommended squatting down, sneezing, and then rinsing the vagina after sex. There must have been a lot of very pissed off, very pregnant sneezing ladies during his day!
  2. Little humans live inside sperm
    In the 1600’s, two scientists theorized this after viewing sperm under a microscope. They believed that women did not provide anything for contraception to take place. Uh huh…
  3. Phantom pregnancies were the work of demons
    Today, “phantom pregnancies” are when a woman has symptoms of pregnancy without being pregnant; in Elizabethan England, they explained this phenomenon as the work of demons. Makes sense to us.
  4. Riding bicycles can cause infertility—and orgasms
    In the late 1800’s, women were warned not to ride bikes lest they become infertile. And cum. All the more reason to hop on for a wild ride!
  5. Masturbation causes a flat chest
    In the Victorian era, women thought masturbating would stunt their breasts’ growth. Those poor, poor women.
  6. Masturbating cures hysteria
    Yes, male doctors made women cum to treat their “hysteria.” This is where vibrators originated. Thanks, doc!
  7. Cumming can cause worsening eye sight
    A Swiss physician wrote in 1758 that the loss of semen brought about by male masturbation could lead to worsening eye sight. We’re willing to bet most men took their chances…
  8. Eating certain fruits can make you pregnant
    In the stone age, some people believed that the spirits of babies lived in certain fruits. And that if a woman ate those fruits, she’d get knocked up. Eve did love her apples.


Looking for something a little weird and out there? Come get “hysterical” right here!

Check out more bizarre sex myths people actually believed here:

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