Bolivian Sex Workers Wear See-Through Rain Jackets As “Biosecurity Suits”

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Bolivian sex workers are preparing to return to work after lockdown—with gloves, bottles of bleach and see-through raincoats. The thigh-high “biosecurity suits” are among a number of recommendations in a 30-page coronavirus security manual drawn up by the Organization of Night Workers of Bolivia (OTN). The group is pushing authorities to lift the restrictions put in place during the lockdown.

One sex worker demonstrated how she could layer on top a paper face mask, plastic visor, gloves and a raincoat—in addition to donning a thong, a sequined eye-mask and a sheer, crotch-height dress for work. She gave a demonstration of how she sprays a bleach solution on the pole she uses to dance for clients at the brothel that she operates with several other women. “The biosecurity suit will allow us to work and protect ourselves,” she said. “Our clients respect the issue of safety, that we are taking these measures for our security, but also for theirs.”

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Check out more about Bolivian sex workers wearing see-through rain jackets as ‘biosecurity suits’:

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