Bondage Blacksmith Forges Kinky Fetish Gear

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexual_dominatrixA blacksmith in the UK turned his business around by creating sex metal bondage gear to BDSM enthusiasts. He specializes in normal-looking household items with secret kinky attachments. One of his masterpieces is a £15,000 hang-forged bondage bed with a leather headboard, a hidden mirrored ceiling and a drop-down cabinet for sex toys.

Though he now earns thousands with his own line of bondage equipment called Hidden. In Plain Site, he started out by chance when a friend of a friend asked him to make a metal bondage chair for a couple who are into BDSM. Along with producing high-end products, much of his business is centered on making metal cuffs and collars, which are very popular with the BDSM community. He even makes “permanent cuffs,” which a customer must sign a waiver for before having them put on because once fitted, they cannot be removed before they’re cut off, and usually cost between £300 and £600.

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