Bunny Ranch Brothel Owner Wins GOP Nevada Primary

republicanelephantDennis Hof, the owner of half a dozen legal brothels in Nevada and star of the HBO adult reality series “Cathouse,” won a Republican primary for the state Legislature, ousting a three-term lawmaker. Hof celebrated his victory in true style at a party in Pahrump with Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss at his side. “It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,” Hof said. “He found the way and I jumped on it.”

Hof, who wrote a book titled “The Art of the Pimp,” has dubbed himself “The Trump of Pahrump,” and held a rally with longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone. “If Hof wins in November, he wouldn’t be the only brothel owner in elected office — Lance Gilman, the owner of the famous Mustang Ranch in northern Nevada, is a Storey County Commissioner,” reports PBS. Ironically, voters in November will be voting on closing down brothels in at least one of the seven Nevada counties where they’re legally operating. Hof says he’ll be selling at least a few of his brothels to focus on politics.

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Check out more about brothel owner Dennis Hof winning the GOP Nevada primary: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/dennis-hof-brothel-owner-and-pimp-wins-nevada-gop-primary

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