Cage Fighter Receives $350,000 After Leaked Sex Tape

Image: Screencapture: Zoomin.tvAlex Reid sued his ex and won for leaking his sex tape. The cage fighter’s model ex wife reportedly obtained video and pictures of him performing a sexual act and later disclosed them to friends. He sued her and she was told to pay $50,000 in damages and $300,000 in costs.

He said she made a series of disclosures about his sex life and had said things which led to him being “denigrated in the street”. The cage fighter also said his ex revealed his “cross dressing antics” to the world. During sentencing, the judge said the ex’s conduct had involved the “deliberate exposure” to a “substantial number” of people images and video of Reid’s “intimate sexual activity”.

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Check out more about a cage fighter suing his ex for a leaked sex tape:

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