China Cracks Down on Strippers—at Funerals

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 3.11.13 PMAlthough China is known for its conservative attitude toward sex, the Asian country’s latest crackdown on the sex industry is something that some people might find justified. It seems that Chinese authorities are getting tough on a bizarre and mind-bogglingly popular event at funerals: strippers. Yes, that was not a typo—exotic dancers are frequently hired to perform at funerals in rural China.

It seems that strippers are a way to honor the deceased in a ceremony that is considered by loved ones to be a show of respect. The strippers are paid great sums of money since they are supposed to attract more mourners—including children and people of all ages! Apparently, the erotic entertainment is not only a great send off for the departed being honored but also a good time for everyone involved. Even though stripping is (unfortunately) illegal in China, the fact remains—these mourners sure know how to party!

Feel like having a good time yourself? We are all about erotic partying right here!

Check out some pictures and footage of strippers at funerals here!

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