Chiropractor Losses License For Offering Sex and Exorcisms to Patients

www.niteflirt.com_hornydevils.jpgAn Iowa chiropractor, Charles Manuel, lost his license last month when the Iowa Board of Chiropractic found out that he was trading sex with his clients in exchange for services. Not only that, but allegedly he also performed exorcisms on them! Because, you know, getting your back re-aligned is just like exorcizing demons.

According to the settlement, he had sex with several of his patients, and even performed exorcisms on a few of them (is that a weird sex thing?). Thankfully, Manuel surrendered his license when the allegations surfaced, shocking Iowans with the scandalous news. Or maybe they were just flustered at having to find a new chiropractor/exorcist in town? You know what they say: a good exorcist is hard to find.

Looking to relieve some tension yourself? We’re no chiropractor/exorcist, but we can certainly help you to feel good all over!

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